
one step quantitative test kits

Advantage of rapid  test kits:
1. Sensitivity: detection limit 2.5ng/ml2. Linearity range: 0.5~64mg/L3. Fast batch detection: 15 minutes per sample4.Sample type:  serum, plasma, whole blood
Clinical Application of one step quantitative test kits
1.Effective and independentpredicate biomarker of cardiovasculardisease2.Prediction of myocardial ischemia recurrence risk and death risk of ACS3.Evaluation of unstable angina pectoris (UA) diagnosis and prognosishs-CRP Quantitative Detection Kit (Fluoroimmunoassay chromatography) : 10 tests / 25 tests / 50 tests
If you are interested, please contact us per.service003@perlong.com.cn

